A Farm in Marin by Sheri Ritchlin
The Earth Calendar
New Year's Eve
Earth Calendar - Early Spring
Black Stones
Early Migrations
Sheri Ritchlin
Ticino to Marin slideshow
The Reading Room
A library of favorite articles
some new, some timeless
"Odysseus Unbound: The Search for Homer's Ithaca"
Papyrus inscribed with excerpts of Aeschylus's Trojan War trilogy Achilles were found by archaeologists
"Palace of Ajax" found in Greece" (BBC)
2500 year-old sarcophagus found in Cyprus with scenes from Homer
New Dates Suggest First Europeans Traveled Through the Levant
Papyrus fragment bears early Christian prayers
Amazing New Species of Human Found
Sept 2015
Could These Be the Oldest Footprints in North America?
Archaeologists discover Mycenean Palace and Treasure Trove of Bronze Age Artifacts
This a significant find in Nestor's Palace at Pylos that dates to before the Trojan War.
Weird X-Rays Spur Speculation about Dark Matter Detection
Spacetime May Have Fractal Properties on a Quantum Scale
At Least Two More Planets Exist Beyond Pluto
Astro Links
For those interested in the oldest science, a vast array of articles and tools
Richard Tarnas
Archetypal Cosmology
A Jungian Approach to Astrological Counseling
Anita Doyle
Partners of Heaven: Creative Synthesis and the Nodes of the Moon
Dane Rudhyar
Astrological Houses and Zodiacal Signs
Ilya Prigogine on "The Rediscovery of Time"
Philosophy begins where physics ends, and physics begins where philosophy ends
"Hearing the Echo of Earthly Music" by Verlyn Klinkenborg
This is a favorite piece of mine from the New York Times, 2001
Mesoamerica Web Ring: Excellent photo and article collection
has a large collection of articles. I particularly recommend
"Weaving the Fabric of the Cosmos.
"The Loss of the World Soul and Its Return,"
Anne Baring
James Hillman
"On Soul, Character and Calling"
Stanislav Grof, MD
"Revision and Revisioning of Psychology:Legacy from Half a Century of Consciousness Research"
Rupert Sheldrake
Prayer: A Challenge for Science
"The Sufi Book" by Anita Doyle.
I am a great admirer of the work of this friend and fellow dreamworker. I
recommend all of the articles on her site:
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